An open-source load testing framework for collaboration apps
You’re one command away from launching a WebSockets load test of
100K+ virtual users on your own AWS infrastructure
Datapoints per second
Virtual Users
WebSocket & HTTP
Load tests out of the box
Distributed load tests
Write load tests using k6 and distribute with K8s
Define your load tests in JavaScript using k6, and run distributed tests using the k6 Kubernetes operator.
Read Case StudySelf-hosted
Automated deployment to your own AWS account
Edamame automatically spins up AWS infrastructure and runs load tests on EC2 instances running in EKS. You keep 100% control of your data, and only pay for the AWS resources you use.
Read Case StudyUse the CLI or React UI to manage your tests
Our React-based UI allows you to start a test, open Grafana dashboards to visualize test metrics, and optionally end tests early.
Read DocsVisualization
Dashboards for both WebSocket and HTTP metrics
Use our custom Grafana dashboards or define your own
Includes custom WebSocket metrics using the Edamame k6 extension written in Go
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